Sunday, June 20, 2010

Organic Search Or Sponsored Links?

As a company we are under constant bombardment from marketing companies who want to get us first on Google! They claim to have investigated our websites and tell us that we are not appearing in the organic search for some town or city in the UK. A little questioning and it is apparent that they are not even aware of our domain names let alone the actual performance of our sites. However they continue their sales patter regardless of what you say.

These people are incredibly annoying, ignorant of basic details and are simply there for the hard sell. Quite frankly the only way of dealing with them is to say no thank you and cut the call. If you want to pay for the sponsored links site then you go looking for a company. Contact them and find out what they could do for you. Speak to a technician not a call centre! When you feel you are happy with a company then go with it.

Why have sponsored links? The only reason you would pay to get on any search engine is if your website is new and you are waiting for the good SEO that you have put in to it to work. If your site is appearing well in the organic search results why would you want to pay to have an advertisement on the same page?

Do people click on the adverts? Basically we have an aversion to advertisements and would rather go with the organic results. However that does not mean that they never get clicked on. Having searched through all the research I can find on this and averaged out the findings it would seem that if there are 1000 searches per day for a particular word or phrase then 40% of users will click on nothing; of the remaining 60% about 18% will click on the sponsored links at the top of Google search, believing them to be organic results; 16% will click on a company listed next to the Google map if it is a localised search; 52% will click on the organic search results on page one and the remainder may go onto page two; a very small percentage will even go to page three. Only 1 in hundred will apparently click on the sponsored sites on the right hand side of the Google results page. The results do vary according to the search of course and more will click on these sponsored listings if the organic results are not quite what they wanted.

Obviously your aim is to be on page one of Google but we can't all be there. But a site listed on page two or three of Google still gets better results than a sponsored listing on page one.

Do not be taken in by the sales hype. All sales people selling advertisements will say that it works! That is just sales talk, hype and fast talking. If you have a website that is not performing well in the search engines then look at that first and as a last resort try sponsored links but either do it yourself through Google Adwords or use a company of your choosing and not one that has contacted you by using a bought in database. That way you will be in control. Investigate and do so thoroughly get to grips with keywords and landing pages so you will not be taken in by the hype.

David Andrew Smith runs a specialist cleaning company who operate throughout the UK. All website development, optimising and linking is carried out in house, this is done by the owners after all the cleaning including office cleaning has been taken care of!

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